Tuesday, September 22, 2009

obstacles are servants of the lord

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu accepted sannyas and He wanted to go to Vrindavana, but Lord Nityananda Prabhu tricked Him to come to Lord Advaita Acarya’s house in Shantipura. Lord Chaitanya stayed there for some time dancing and chanting with the devotees. The devotees recommended to Sacimata that the Lord should go to Jagannath Puri instead of Vrindavana because there Lord Jagannatha (Krishna) lives, and also it was very close to Navadvipa.

A devotee told the Lord that it was not a good time to go to Jagannath Puri because there were rivalries amongst various kingdoms. He said, "They will capture You and torture You and kill You if they catch You. At this time there are not only conflicting kings but all sorts of dacoits who are very, very dangerous. It is better if You wait till a better time; now there are too many obstacles."

Lord Caitanya very boldly declared “When is there ever a time in this material world when there will be not obstacles? I will go to Puri now.” When Advaita Acarya heard this he became ecstatic, he called out "My Lord, what obstacles can possibly disturb You on Your path to Lord Jaganatha?"

Then Advaita Acharya said something that we should all meditate upon, and it will greatly benefit us in our spiritual life. He said, "My Lord, all obstacles are Your servants therefore You will certainly be able to achieve Jaganatha Puri."

All obstacles are the servants of the Lord and the Lord’s mission to the world is to help everyone go back to Godhead. So if all obstacles are the servants of the Lord, they are all serving the Lord by coming in devotees’ life to help them go back home, back to Godhead. When difficulties and hardships come in our spiritual life, we should know that these are the servants of Krishna coming before us to give us the opportunity to purify our hearts and become true devotees of the Lord, and a devotee never gives up hope.

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