So it is a very important factor of our devotional service to try to deeply understand with our intelligence the philosophy of Krishna consciousness; to carefully study our scriptures.
But we shouldn’t think that by purely studying the scripture, this will give us realisation; it is not what is going to really give us faith. Ultimately, the knowledge that we receive, we must apply it to the spirit of humble service to the spiritual master, to the Vaishnavas and our parampara (spiritual lineage). We must chant offenselessly. That is what is going to bring about true faith and realisation.
Srila Prabhupada quotes how mystical the process of Krsna consciousness is, in the sense of how it transforms people’s hearts. The qualities of God and the demigods all manifest within the body of one who surrenders to Krsna.
Prabhupada gives an example of the hunter who surrendered to Narada Muni. What was his qualification? Was he very deeply learned and renounced? No. But because he just followed the instruction of Narada Muni, what a transformation of the heart, from a ruthless murderer to the most gentle loving sage.